Welcome back to another ‘If we were having coffee’ -post were we pretend to meet up for a coffee to catch up with each others lives.

It has been almost a year since our last virtual ‘coffee meet-up’ so I thought I’d give you a brief update of things.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m re-reading The Lord of the Rings again. In my last ‘If we were having coffee’ – post from June 2017, I’ve talked about how I’ve re-read The Silmarillion and The Hobbit, and were re-reading LOTR. Almost a year later, I’m planning to do (almost) the same. I’m currently half-way through reading The Two Towers and have read Beren and Luthien a few weeks ago. I plan on reading The Silmarillion next, but in order to switch things up, I think I’ll read The Children of Hurin instead of The Hobbit afterwards. Very exciting news, I know.

lotr frodo

I’ve given up trying to stay up to date with geeky news. I’ve still haven’t watched many of the things I plan on watching for years and I’ve accepted that I’ll probably never will. I’m still very much in the mood to read and do nothing much but read. At some point I might start writing book reviews…. if I ever manage to get my nose out of a book long enough! In the meantime, the best book I’ve read this years so far is The Complete Robot by Isaac Asimov.

I have, however, managed to catch up with one TV show though. During the Christmas break, I’ve managed to watch Westworld season one and OH EM GEE this show is soo good. This show has everything I love about the art form of Television all the way down to even a great intro song. My favourite characters? The Man in Black and Maeve, hands down. I have not seen the trailer for season two and I’m not planning to do it either. I want to surprised by whats to come.

I’ve simply walked into Mordor. A few months ago, Lord of the Rings Online released Mordor as a region, and my Hobbit hunter is finally strong enough to enter and quest in Mordor…well, kind of. Mordor is designed for levels 105 and higher and even though my Hobbit hunter is level 108 (of 115 in total) I’m still struggling to quest in Mordor. Sure, Mordor was designed to be difficult, it is Mordor after all, but still the struggle is very very real! I’m loving it though. Also, LOTRO recently released Laketown, Thranduil’s palace and the Lonely Mountain as Rergions and I’m soooo tempted to buy the region because I really want to quest there!


How about you, what have your geeky life has been like in the last ten months? Have you watched Westworld and if you did which was your favourite character? Leave a comment down below!

5 thoughts on “IF WE WERE HAVING COFFEE | APRIL 18th, 2018

  1. Alice says:

    The most geeky thing I’m doing (and planning to do for the rest of 2018) is rereading the Harry Potter books. I can’t even remember if it’s the 6th or 7th time I’m rereading them, but I’m always impressed by how much I’ve forgotten!

    I started a new Netflix series, Lost in Space, a couple of days ago (mostly because one of the main characters is portrayed by Toby Stephens) and, even if I’m not a sci-fy fan, I’m enjoying it so far, nothing special but a nice break from historical fiction.

    I’m also planning to watch the next Avengers movie at the cinema next week, I’m so excited!!


  2. gekitsu says:

    *waves* hey maria! long time no see/coffee/tea indeed.

    good to hear about westworld. i haven’t seen the series, but ever since it has become a topic of chatter, i meant to rewatch the old film. i’m watching single sopranos episodes here and there, though, and am looking forward to the upcoming book on it. (also, typeset in the future is going to come out soon! such hype!)

    i’m feeling bad about the state of tolkien in my parts. the fall of gondolin is going to come out, and i haven’t even read beren and luthien yet. i have been slacking, when it comes to books in general. i’ve mostly read comics and the odd interesting/minority anthology. at least, i am in a good state of mind re the tolkien amazon series. i have no investment and no expectations, so i can just quietly wait and see what they’ll come up with.

    other things in my geeky life… after myla had to badger me way too long, i did a concerted-effort avatar marathon (never watched it en bloc, all episodes in sequence before, only bits and pieces here and there), and am now about halfway through korra (which i hadn’t seen before). so some time soon, i’ll be able to read the avatar comics (myla insisted i need to read them, and why would i even argue such a point?) and the korra comics (drawn by the superfantastic irene koh!).
    and my software project for uni got approved, so i actually get to spend a solid chunk of time writing code for something i’m excited about. the slightly more scary part: this is going to be released publically and people everywhere will be able to install and use (and judge) something i made.

    the best thing in the last ten months, though, is without a doubt watching my sister get stronger and a more proficient climber, ever since we picked up bouldering about a year ago. she wanted to eventually be able to do a full pullup, and it looks like that’s going to be a thing.

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